sneaks1111s webcam recorded Video – August 29, 2009, 11:36 PM

11 thoughts on “Dave Mason We Just Disagree Cover, Open E Tuning

  1. I hear ya buddy…Life can kick you in the azzz sometimes…I know…anyways you sound great!


  2. you been away but your backkkkk and sounding great, keep the videos coming, hugssssssssss

  3. Hi Kevin, so glad to see you still playing and singing. Lookin and soundin good.

  4. Hey there kevin,
    You did a GREAT JOB playing and singing on this. Makes me think about what we talked about. Kinda sad. So glad to see your still kickin it with the guitar.

  5. Great guitar playing & singing K….
    Always loved this song….it has special sentimental meaning for me too.

  6. Great guitar playing & singing K….
    Always loved this song….it has special sentimental meaning for me too.

  7. Hi Sneaksss I LOVE this song!! I won’t try it at home, I might hurt myself LOL! You sound like a pro on that guitar, fantastic playing and singing…loved it!

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