Bluegrass Guitar Survey: Click on the link above to participate in my survey about what you would like to see in a Bluegrass Guitar course by me, Eric Beaty. Survey will be taken down once I finalize my course outline. Thanks for participating! FREE Guitar Newsletter: http Martin DCX1E: If you like this content please spread the word, Share, Like, Subscribe, and let others benefit from these invaluable lessons as well. Thanks for your support! I just recently taught a student this lick and thought it would be a great lick to feature in my YouTube video lessons as well. As with anything you learn, you need to create a way to learn it fast. So I created an exercise that will help you not only learn the lick quickly but one that will improve your right and left hand coordination, finger strength, legato, pull-offs, and picking … all in one! Please Like, Tweet, Comment, Subscribe, and tell all your friends about my YouTube videos! Heres the link: