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0:00 – Intro
Ayla Tesler-Mabe goes into depth on the specific harmonic and chord choices in four different Steely Dan songs.
1:47 – “Peg”
This song is the closest Steely Dan came to writing a song with a traditional 1-4-5 blues progression — but with a bit of a twist with their interesting chord choices.
2:37 – 1-4-5 chord progression
Since the song is in the key of C, this means it starts with the 1-chord (C), then goes to the 4-chord (F), and finally to the 5-chord (G).
3:25 – Cmaj7
The first chord in the song, Ayla describes how to play this classic major 7 chord.
4:18 – Gadd9/B
Next, we go to this chord. And even though the major 3rd of the root is what’s being played, the root note is G, making this chord a Gadd9/B chord.
5:41 – Fmaj7
Next, we move to the 4-chord. It’s the same chord movement, but this time starting at the 8th fret, and it comes back down to the 1-chord.
6:19 – “Black Friday”
This song is the opening song from Steely Dan’s album, “Katy Lied.” It begins with a bluesy riff that continues throughout the verses and transitions into the chorus, where it gets a little crazy.
7:39 – Beginning riff
The common note is E, and the voice leading helps tie all these chords together and makes everything connect smoothly.
8:45 – A
A classic A major bar chord, but the only caveat is avoiding the high E string.
10:03 – G6
Take the previous shape and move it down a whole step to G and add your pinky to the 5th fret of the B string. This is the voice leading commonality between the chords.
10:22 – F #7
This chord involves putting the dominant 7 at the top of the chord to give it a crunchier tone.
11:31 – E Flat m7
This is a very classic minor 7 chord shape you may have encountered before.
12:00 – A/D
A major triad with the D in the bass. What’s also interesting about this chord, is that it’s also a D major 9 chord. So it can be referred to as either.
13:28 – B9sus4
This chord is an A triad over B — it acts as the 5-chord bringing us back to the 1-chord.
14:51 – “Black Cow”
Another opening track but off of Steely Dan’s album “Asia” (it might be one of Ayla’s favorites…even though it’s hard for her to choose — they’re all great!)
15:52 – The Blues Motif
You might instantly think of old school blues when hearing this motif. It’s just a diad (two notes) and moving that shape from the 8th fret to the 10th fret.
17:34 – A7(#5)
The sharp 5 in this chord helps build a lot of tension to resolve to the next chord.
18:42 – C/D
This chord has the C major triad in it over the D chord. You can also think of it as a D9sus4 chord (Ayla taught on this earlier in the lesson).
19:46 – E7(#9)
This is a great altered chord often used in jazz-influenced music. It’s also a staple in Jimi Hendrix’s playing.
22:17 – E9sus4
The chord used to resolve back to the A major chord.
23:07 – “Bodhisattva”
This song comes off of one of her favorite steely Dan albums, and one of the first Steely Dan songs she ever heard…courtesy of Rock Band 2.
23:51 – Beginning riff
The song starts with a traditional rock blues riff that may sound familiar.
25:00 – G7
This next riff is just the G going to the 10th fret of A string. This is a classic voicing of a dominat7 chord.
26:21 – E Flat m7
The same chord voicing we looked at earlier in the video
26:30 – A7(#5)
Again, the exact same chord that we learned in”Black Cow.”
26:42 – Dm7
They play a very typical voicing of this type of chord, letting it resolve the previous chords.
27:13 – F6
This is also the same chord voicing used earlier in the song, but the root being F this time. This chord progression is used a lot and can be considered a type of modal interchange.
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