www.playbetterblues.com Take 12 Simple Blues Guitar Lessons for the Cost of a BEER! Beginner Guitar lessons on how to play a simple blues shuffle. Improve your guitar playing with this Easy and fun video. Visit our site for Tabs and more free blues guitar lessons: Tabs are here: www.guitarplayeru.com

25 thoughts on “Simple Beginner Blues Guitar Lessons Video instruction

  1. Thanks, i have been bashing chords for years and never slowed down to see whats missing. Good intro

  2. A basic blues lesson presented in a thoroughly professional way. Easy to follow and instructive,
    My son picked this up immediately. Excellent.

  3.  Hell yeah. I’m older than you and I have just learnt it. Take your time, practice, practice and practice and you’ll get there.
    Good luck

  4. YEAH That´s what I was looking for. Beguinners want to be happy and play somenthing.

  5. YEAH That´s what I was looking for. Beguinner want to be happy and play somenthing.

  6. thanks. I’ve been missing this simple but effective approach for years.

  7. OMG thank you so much! I almost got it and i’ve been doing it for 10 mins 😀

  8. Thanks everybody! I appreciate it. Remember to visit our site for more free lessons and contests:)

  9. wow, i’m grinning at this… one week of learning guitar and i’m playing the blues! thankyou! 😀

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