tinyurl.com Access FREE stealth videos like this–complete with guitar tabs—that puts this whole solo IN your ears and UNDER your fingers in as little as 34, 51 or 68 minutes or more. However short that learning process turns out to be, you will come away with a jam ready, easy to remember, impress-the-heck-out-of-your-friends, surprise-yourself, blues guitar solo–ready to go. All for free. Play along, not for note with the master, Griff Hamlin and let tempo, repetition and small chunking be your friendly, uncritical, patient teacher. When you join in the FREE 4 Note Solo Guitar Video clinic here: tinyurl.com The Four Note Solo Video and Tabs is the creation of Griif Hamlin of Blues Guitar Unleashed. You can meet him here: tinyurl.com Or learn the 4 Note Blues Guitar Solo with Griff at no cost right here: tinyurl.com
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