21 thoughts on “Stevie Ray Vaughn & Albert King Sessions – Matchbox Blues

  1. estos tipos llevaban el blues en la sangre y pegada a todas partes de su cuerpo!!!

  2. to those who disliked it…..i suggest u guys to insert bananas into your ears

  3. yeah, no matter how "Good" something is, there will be always be some morons that don’t like it

  4. I wish I was behind the cameras.

    Best job in the world!

  5. I Also Think That Stevie Was Saying. Albeit, They Are Different Ages (Albert 1923-1992) (Stevie 1954-1990) And Both Found Fame In Different Era’s. I Think Albert Was Also Talking About The Fact That. (How) They Both Expeirenced Similier Expeirences While Trying To Make It As Musicians From The First Time They Both Started Playing At A Young Age And Continuing Onto Their Similier Journey’s Trying To Make It As A Musician And Make A Living Out Of It. I Think Stevie Was Saying He KNOWS About That.

  6. Notice what is Really Cool — > When Albert is giving his talk to Stevie during the INTRO to the song, Albert speaks in THE SAME RHYTHM and FEEL as the music is playing which is backing him up. So Think about that for moment. Imagine if everyday people just spoke, and paused at just the right moments as if MUSIC was going on their heads . That’s what’s going on in Albert’s head.

  7. I love this drummer , stays perfect within the "groove" Not to loud, and knows just when to put accents on the just the right beats !!! Great Drummer !!!

  8. I think Stevie’s saying that he knows Albert remembers those days not that he also remembers

  9. Mr. King, I don’t know if a matchbox could hold your clothes, but those two guitars sure held some magic. I honestly think that Albert King was in awe of Stevie’s guitar playing. Shoot, who wasn’t!

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