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Ever guitar player needs to know how to navigate a 12 bar blues. Why? It is the most communicable form of music and it is the best place to learn how to jam, which is playing with multiple guitar players at the same time. The easiest, most forgiving, fun and best place to start with that is with the blues. It takes at least two people to jam, one person is in charge of rhythm, which is the chords and the strumming, the other person is in charge of the lead, which forming a solo by using licks and fills to create melody with a scale or scales.

This is a G blues, specifically a strummer, what does it mean to be a strummer? Well you can also play rhythm by fingerpicking argpeggios, you can use a shuffle, you can even use licks that target chord tones for more advanced rhythm, but this easiest at the best place to start. It will show you the three chords that you need as well as the 12 bar blues structure which looks like this.

I7 I7 I7 I7
IV7 IV7 I7 I7
V7 IV7 I7 V7

In the key of G this is

G7 G7 G7 G7
C7 C7 G7 G7
D7 C7 G7 D7

There are other chords that can be susbsited, but they have to be dominant chords, so the G9, G13, etc, but that is a little more advanced, you should start with just the 7. You can also do something called a quick turnaround, which plays the IV7 on the 2nd measure, again, all of these things make it slightly more complicated and you should with just this foundation. In fact this foundation is so important you want to be able to do it in several keys, which keys you ask? C, A, G, E and D, making up the CAGED system, you should be able to strum through al 12 bar in all 5 of those keys. All the other keys can be played by using a capo to move these shapes up and down or with barre chords.

Once you get this down you should sit with a friend while they play through the blues scale and you play the rhythm and take turns. This is the best way, by far and away, to learn how to solo on the guitar. Once you feel more confident with the blues you can start to improvise over other progressions and even later with other scales, but this is the foundation, so many of the rock solos you have a foundation set in this blues vocabulary, even solos from pop music mostly come from these blues ideas.


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Super Easy Beginner Strummer Blues in G – Beginner Blues Guitar Tutorial

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