3 Easy Blues Licks – Blues Guitar Licks for Beginners
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The blues is an old, well respected form of music that many guitar players incorporate into their playing even if they don’t know it. If you aren’t directly influenced by the blues, there is a good chance that some of the guitar players you respect were, and therefore, you are influenced by the blues indirectly. With this in mind, why not go straight to the source and start learning how to play the blues on guitar by learning how to play blues licks on guitar and learning how to play blues songs. In this Guitar Control lesson with Robert Baker, you can learn 3 EZ blues licks to get you started. These are blues licks for beginners that you can start playing right away.

Learning how to play blues licks on guitar doesn’t have to be challenging. There are advanced blues licks, easy blues licks, and blues licks that fall somewhere in between. These 3 EZ blues licks are blues licks for beginners. It won’t take you long to learn to play the blues guitar licks in this lesson, then you can use them as a starting point for coming up with your own blues guitar solos and blues licks. If you want to learn how to play blues licks on guitar, start with these easy blues licks and then you can expand on them, maybe even start building your own blues songs for guitar.

Even blues licks for beginners can sound great. Some of the best blues licks ever are simple blues licks that may not have more than a couple of notes. Blues is more about feeling than it is deep guitar technique. B.B. King play some of the simplest blues licks around, but they were dripping with emotion. Robert shows you 3 EZ blues licks you can use to start learning how to milk that kind of emotion from a few blues notes. Learn these easy blues licks for guitar and then start expanding on the ideas here to create some of your own. Once you start learning how to play the blues on guitar, you will be hooked.