Click here For a Brand New Blues Lesson & Ebook for Free Blues rhythm guitar Lesson favorite blues guitar progressions….blues guitar lesson How to play blues guitar

23 thoughts on “Beginner Blues rhythm guitar Lesson How to play blues guitar

  1. Great lesson! I bought a guitar 2 months ago. I practice every day. I’ve learned some chords, but my left arm hurts at the elbow and I’m getting a weird thumb knuckle. I think it’s tendinitis.

  2. cool you guyes have know idea how much this has help mei am dislexca & T.g i have tryed to hook up with people but any way thank you so much people like me realy need this watching an being able to replayit over an over ausom U are the GOOD PEOPLE

  3. I’m 46 and been trying to learn to play for about 6 mos . I’m glad I found your lessons. Thanks.

  4. Hey she plays the same type of guitar that kristopher dahl uses in his lessons

  5. Fender Strat? No way! Gibson Les Paul ALL the way!

  6. great video, was jamming by the end of it,

  7. SWEEET!!! THANKS your awesome
    nice lesson!!!

  8. Nice lesson! Maybe next time when your doing a lesson bring a guitar that has visible fret markers so people can follow along easier.

  9. u’re hot. i just love girls playing the guitar 🙂

  10. lol u make me laughhhhh,… rock onnn wit ya bad self!

  11. i like the guitar 🙂 its different 😛 not as prety as the les paul but yeah! :)

  12. This guitar picking woman has made a blues man out of me! Great lesson

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