Course introduction, plus background information & basic song. Lesson Part

12 thoughts on “Bob Dylan (Corrina Corrina) Lessons – Intro

  1. incredible! i’m going to work on it! thank you a lot

  2. Take back all I said re: fingerpicking technique. I missed your 4th video…………

  3. Great bunch of tutorials, 2 only very slight niggles for me is your camera angle hides most of what your fingers are doing. but can still get the technique. You haven’t,done so unless I missed it, shown your fingerpicking technique?

    Beautiful song well played by you and thanks for the work you’ve done for this.

  4. Still work in progress Paul for me but will get there soon; thanks again for your support!

  5. Thanks, again Jim. This one’s right-on. I look forward to all your new material.

  6. Congrats and many thanks for this Jim! What you have hear really sounds GREAT!! Haven’t been this excited to learn a cover since Don’t Think Twice or Buckets! Once my wrist recovers, all cover projects of mine are going to have to be put on the backburner until I get this. Thanks again-

  7. Cheers Steve – a great song and beautiful recording way back then.

  8. Great pick. Always loved the way he did this tune so wistfully.

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