Click here For a Brand New Blues Lesson & Ebook for Free Click the link above to receive free exclusive videos, newletters, and lots of free guitar and music goodies from Next Level Guitar. In this lesson we teach some easy beginner blues licks as well as ways to connect your ideas and musical thoughts together using phrasing. Many more lessons at:
And goddamn my fingers hurt, been practicing them licks all day long.
Reverb + some Wah and a tiny bit of distortion sounds so awesome playing them blues licks.
haha sucks to live in the UK right 😛
I live like 45 minutes from Amsterdam 🙂 But here in The Hague are a lot of coffee shops too.
marty ur awesome as well ur all lesson luv the way ur talking
ffs. what guitar is that?
He did not say Hey wazzapp u guys, he just said Hey wazzapp -_-
Who married this faggot?
I’m not sure what I just watched but I feel a strong urge to buy a hat now…
how can anoyone teach themselves out of a wet paper bag? haha wtf
nice video i learned playing blues with this tinyurl(.)com/7ch8jjw
see for guitar ebook lessons and video
i like u r head shakeing
You groove man! Thank’s for those free lessons you’re the king!!! Hope you’ll do cover again coz i’ve been so impressed by your black dog performance
minor pentatonic scale works in major too , i dunno why but it does 😀
Award for worst hat ever goes to…
you are a good teacher but it will be better if you teach us all song versions.
Keep puffin’ and pickin’ Marty! hehe
Nice lick. Thanks for the tutorial.
you can play the same licks in G.. instead of starting the scale on the 5th fret like he does you would start on the 3rd
How can I convert licks to another key? Cuz I need to convert famous licks to G major scale to play it ion a blues solo in G major but I don’t know how to do it :/
help plz
this is swag in person
Marty looks stoned in this video lol
marty laughed cuz he didnt tell his usuall ‘hey im marty schwatz from guitarjamzdotcom’ ryt??? 😀 lol
Hello! Have you thought about the X7 Guitar Mind Implant (do a search on google)? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my coworker learned a bunch of great tunes with it.