Messiahsez iz tuned to open G as in crazy.

12 thoughts on “Messiahsez iz a lunatic. In open G tuning

  1. Wow. Really? My wife thinks my best song is when I am sleeping. Although it seems I snore like a chain saw. Thanks yo. I love that you liked it.

  2. Have you had the pleasure of listening to this site? Weenie juke radio?

  3. That is very nice of you to say. You compare me to giants. I think I am an original but robert? Anyway, Thank you very much. I am humbled.

  4. yeah !!!!!!
    dude you are a true bluesman like robert or dusty and many more
    i like your way

  5. Damn electronics just need to activate off our brain waves man.

  6. Arrrrrrgggghhhhhhh!!! I had made a great video just before this but had failed to turn on the camera. THAT is my problem. Maybe I should cut back on the Redbull. Ok, no.

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