NBA veteran center Jason Collins has become the first active male professional athlete in the major four American sports leagues to come out as gay. (April 29)

36 thoughts on “NBA Veteran Jason Collins Comes Out As Gay

  1. he’s not the first player to reveal it, Rudy Gay announced it since he was born

  2. he’s not the first player to reveal it, Rudy Gay announced it since he was born

  3. Congratulations, Jason! You will be an inspiration to future athletes!

  4. Congratulations, Jason! You will be an inspiration to future athletes!

  5. Good for him He’s more man than everyone in this discussion just for the fact he told the world what was up. I’m not gay love women but, I can respect this man 150{10faa3092bae83cdf963b1ab1025701434ba1e012413cb9c0c72be0a479389c3}

  6. Good for him He’s more man than everyone in this discussion just for the fact he told the world what was up. I’m not gay love women but, I can respect this man 150{10faa3092bae83cdf963b1ab1025701434ba1e012413cb9c0c72be0a479389c3}

  7. All my life I have apparently sinned and you know what I am free, I don’t have to worry about any God or being judged because I don’t follow a guy on a cloud, I can do what I want and what I do is be good to people because I want too and not so I can get a place in a fake place called Heaven. I judge no one on what they are I judge them on who they are.

  8. Gay is never the answer we are doomed…the Only answer is if we buck up its a man and a woman. A man and man can not get a child and a female and female cannot get a child….that is the cold hard truth to all you gays.

  9. And you should have been aborted but sometimes life isn’t fair, is it?

  10. Sign of the times, abominations galore.. smh

  11. Sign of the times, abominations galore.. smh

  12. Sign of the times, abominations galore.. smh

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