How to tune your cigar box guitar to open A. Aimed at beginners who have just made one or maybe bought one and having difficulty getting it in tune. My apologies for the rough and ready nature of the vid, I did it straight off the cuff – no rehearsals.
Right then, the small string is an A also but an octave higher than the low string. The purpose of the video is partly so you can listen to mine and tune yours till it sounds the same as mine on each string. Another way to get the small string right is once you have tuned the middle string, play that it at the 5th fret. The small string should sound the same when played open. Hope this helps.
Very nice video… Thanks. My question is: I understand that you tune the heavy string to A. But how do you know if the small string is tuned to A also or is it tuned an octave higher to A? In other words you can tune to an octave lower, or tune the same octave, or tune to a higher octave… So how do you know where you are on the small A string before you go too high and the string snaps??