Herbert Midgley,the Internet Legend, teaches how to using Open C Tuning on Guitar. From low to high string tuning is CGCGCE

22 thoughts on “Open C Tuning on Guitar Lesson

  1. this guy is freakin hilarious and has a refreshingly open and sincere fearlessness! i know how to play in open c pretty well and all but i suffer from pretty severe stage fright.

  2. ha tell john butler its cheating…. hahah

  3. The low C string looks like it’s really loose.

  4. wow you must have a boring guitar life. thats all i do and its so fun

  5. 0:34 to find the tuning press this. 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 0:34 

  6. Open C Tuning is my favourite. I don’t do solos and rarely do any scale work so it suits me fine.

  7. no such thing as cheating if it sounds good though open c does make soloing and scales pretty difficult. i only use the open tunings 4 slide guitar and regular or drop tunings the rest of the time

  8. i think there are special C-strings for this tuning

  9. i think open c tuning is really cool…it makes my playing sound sooooo much better ! but is it cheating ??? prob not…if it sounds good do it right ???

  10. … ya what???? Time wears anything stud.

  11. lol i found out about open c tuning from playing ewan dobson’s blood and ice song, damn that is a hard song to learn ,eheehe

  12. iv looked up open c tuning on you tbe and found four diferent ways???
    which is correct??? lol

  13. The band Evans Blue uses this tuning it sounds awesome with distortion or clean, example songs "Eclipsed" or "Kiss the Flag" or "Over"
    open CGCGCE is like drop C CGCFAD without all the chords changes

  14. Google "Burden In My Hand Cover" Look for the younger guy.

    Excellent Example

  15. That’s how I found out about the Open C tuning, through John Butler.

  16. Yea John Butler kills the open c tuning. He’s got to be one of the best i’ve ever seen.

  17. listen to john butler… he makes good use of open C

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