Le 15 août 1938 à Greenwood, Mississippi, est assassiné linventeur du Blues: Robert Johnson. rj Avec 29 chansons enregistrées en 2 jours, Johnson allait devenir un mythe, une légende, un Dieu de la musique pour toutes les prochaines générations. Cet extraordinaire guitariste noir a vécu dans la misère des champs de coton du Mississippi. De lui, on sait peu de choses. Il nexisterait que 2 seules photos. Jusquaux années 70 il restera inconnu du grand public. Columbia Records sort alors un double album où lon peut entendre les versions originales enregistrées en 1936. Subitement, lengouement est énorme, les rééditions se multiplient. Le Monde découvre le talent de ce musicien disparu. Mais qui était Robert Johnson ? Simultanément à la sortie du disque se répandent alors les légendes sur son talent, il nétait pas comme les autres musiciens, il avait fait un pacte avec le Diable pour pouvoir jouer de façon surnaturelle en échange de son âme. Le bouche à oreille fait son œuvre et en quelques années Robert Johnson inspire Eric Clapton, Robert Plant, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Van Morisson et des millions de guitaristes à travers le monde. filmsjohndoe.wordpress.com

25 thoughts on “ROBERT JOHNSON – Crossroads Blues – Road Movies by John Doe (VOST FR)

  1. That young white guy is playing a lowebow…invented by facebook buddy of mine john lowe…i gots to get me one.

  2. Rap is 100{10faa3092bae83cdf963b1ab1025701434ba1e012413cb9c0c72be0a479389c3} the blues…i rapped for 10 years amd been trying my hand at blues for 2…its the same…a wiseman once said blues is the roots and the rest of its the branches…trust me prometheus…

  3. Coming from a place that the late great Chuck Brown invented GO GO music that is a culmination of almost every style of music known to man, and continues to remake popular songs with GO GO beats, I am well aware that rap music got it’s original grooves on the first recorded rap records and dozens after from Trouble Funk, who played the tracks in the studio. The point is, be it music, subject matter, soul or spirit, Rap Music is a child of the Blues. A Great Grandchild. Lyrics are the key.

  4. rap has nothing to do with blues it is a genre of its own but blues is the father to rock n roll and other genres

  5. Although, blues could be nothin’ but a bad man feelin’ good , you know what I mean?

  6. So, when you are on the road and unable to really attend a church you are said to be Godless in the South, back then. YOU HAD to belong..BELONG to a Specific Church. You knew the pastor, knew the pastor’s family and friends. And you did your best around those people BUT, they KNEW you were not from there and therefore a NON Member and if they KNEW you were ALWAYS on the road you could not belong to a specific church. So, it all makes sense you belonged to The Devil. You were his, sold or given

  7. The problem with Blues Players back then is that they had to travel so much from GIG to GIG. And that meant traveling on Sunday mornings and afternoons in order to catch a ride or just to be able to walk to the next town/gig. You read about the shows that were put on, the roadhouses and they would have an entertainer for their Friday and Saturdays some week nights depending on the growing season. Nothing being picked well the nights were open to mess around, drink, play cards, dance, etc.

  8. rap sucks they are a bunch of thug trash punks!!! how can they insult the blues like that!!! rap is like disco it sucks and is crap junk and no good trash !!!!

  9. last November i seen Buddy Guy in Baltimore MD! IT WAS JUST GRATE!!

  10. The Robert Johnson songs that he never got to record are known: Downchild, Take A Little Walk With Me & Little Boy Blue for sure. Robert Jr Lockwood, Sonny Boy Williamson II, Johnny Shines knew Johnson & recorded them. Many bluesmen who got known later knew him; Johnson went out with Lockwood’s mother & Big Walter Horton’s sister. There’s also a story about Johnson playing electric guitar with a band in the last months of his life, that’s when Elmore James met him, supposedly
    Thanks for the post

  11. Everyone who knew him at the time and are on record stating different things. In the one of the documentaries, I think its ‘Searching for Robert Johnson’ or ‘Can’t you hear the wind howl’ they even have a guy who says he tracked down his killer. I am going along with you. His good friend Johnny Shines didn’t know the truth so how could we ? We don’t know and never will. Its so long ago. He has 3 burial plots. No-one can even decide where he’s buried. Its all part of the mystique I guess.

  12. i suppose línventeur du blues means he invented blues music? if so, man you better check up on that statement cause it ain´t true!

  13. Anyone know where I can download this in Higher quality?

  14. It’s still not proof. I don’t know what else to say. It’s "hearsay". John Hammond "heard" it from others. So what? That is what is called "hearsay". If we believed everything anyone said there’d be a lot more people in jail! Can you offer undisputed proof that Robert Johnson’s death was caused by poisoning or any other form of murder then it’s news to anyone. Remember we need PROOF not what someone heard from some unknown people. It sounds more interesting but it does not justify spewing BS.

  15. You claimed the circumstances to his death didn’t emerge until "long after his death". But John Hammond learned it was murder within a year. And I didn’t add the word "discovered". I’m quoting John Hammond. Those are his words, not mine. When people put things in quotation marks, that means they are quoting verbatim, you silly.

  16. So within the year does not constitute long after his death? When one suspects murder there would be an investigation. There was none. Hammond did not "know" there was foul play! Why do you say "discovered"? Was he an investigator? A forensic expert? It’s a myth period. It may be true but never proven and that is indisputable regardless of when or who says otherwise. So unless they dig up his remains (if you could even prove where he is buried) we will never know for sure.

  17. So within the year does not constitute long after his death? When one suspects murder there would be an investigation. There was none. Hammond did not "know" there was foul play! Why do you say "discovered"? Was he an investigator? A forensic expert? It’s a myth period. It may be true but never proven and that is indisputable regardless of when or who says otherwise. So unless they dig up his remains (if you could even prove where he is buried) we will never know for sure.

  18. John Hammond Sr. booked him to play Carnegie Hall two weeks before he died. In his autobiography, John wrote, "I discovered within the year after his death he was killed by his girlfriend". So, if Hammond knew foul play was involved "within the year", then how could you write it "seem(ed) to emerge long after his death"? The claim clearly didn’t arise "long after his death".

  19. No matter how you look at it it is pure conjecture and not a proven historical fact. So evidence may point to that but there is no "proof". If the hearsay would have been that he was poisoned it would have been looked into. In any case, that claim seem to emerge long after his death as also the superstition that he sold his soul to the devil at the crossroads. All I’m sayin’ is when you make a statement like that back it up with facts or at least state that it is "suspected".

  20. The consensus among the people in the town was that he was murdered. Many people who knew him claimed the story was true. All evidence points to the story as told. Besides, he had no illness and he was in his mid-twenties. Very few healthy guys that age just drop dead. He was also booked to play Carnegie Hall so he must have thought his career might take off, so that rules out suicide.

  21. OK I just watched the first 30 minutes and I have to say I like it! Not perfect but I can see it comes from a place of sincerity and I like the way everyday folks are interviewed. Congratulations for putting this film together. Hats off. Please go to my channel and listen to a song I wrote about the Blues itself, you may like what it says.

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