A Beginners Guide to Slide Guitar! If you’ve never played slide guitar before, this is the lesson for you. I’ll teach you how to get your notes in tune, how to do right hand muting so you have excellent note definition, and more.
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Even if your’e a complete beginner, it couldn’t hurt to add slide into your repertoire. It can spice up boring parts, and add an extra dimension to your songs!
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When we play guitar with our fingers, it can be a little misleading. We think of the fret as the big empty space, when it reality, when you place your finger on the big empty space, you are actually engaging the fret directly to the right. (For right handed players). But, to play notes in tune on with the slide, it’s necessary that you place your slide directly above the fret. That is so you engage the correct fret, and you get the proper intonation. Without this, your notes will sound flat. Remember to keep your slide perpendicular with the neck, and parallel with the frets.
On the right hand it’s important to apply muting so that you can isolate the note you want to hear. Without muting, all of the notes will ring freely with crazy slide voodoo. This is undesired. So, use the thumb and middle finger, and the heel of your palm to mute the unwanted strings, and pluck your target note with your pointer finger.
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