This is an example of what can be played over my 2 Chord Blues Backing Track in C.

25 thoughts on “Slide Guitar Solo Example over My 2 Chord Blues in C

  1. Excuse me, John… I have to clean the drool off of my computer. That was awesome!

  2. Been following you for quite a while now John, and i must say that when I need inspiration for my guitar playing, I always look at your videos, and it works!

    – Robert, 17 year old fan from Norway!

  3. Dam.. It sure is great to have digital access to an artist that is so good but also offers lessons. I have seen some people offer lessons that are pretty good. But none of them have the feel for the notes like you do. Thanks John!

  4. John I think you just won your own competition. This is a great diea. Thanks for your continued enthusiasm in teaching guitar. Look for my submission in a couple weeks.

  5. John I think you just won your own competition. This is a great diea. Thanks for your continued enthusiasm in teaching guitar. Look for my submission in a couple weeks.

  6. hope to shout, jimbob! that ended up with stank all over it – and I mean that in the nicest way!

  7. Will this example be in your next CD? Has a "Soul Serenade" vibe, very cool.

  8. started out quite chilled and genreric then progessed to epicness. Opened my mind to slide as a powerful tool (in a good way) 5*

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