Custom, made to order, music lessons (guitar, bass, piano)
Backing tracks for instrumentals + karaoke

Request a lesson/song is as easy as ABC

A) Email me ( the song you want me to make
B) I’ll accept or deny contract to make song lesson or backing track for that song by emailing you back. If accepted, I’ll give you an estimate on when your song will be finished/ready
C) If I accept the song agreement, Pay pal me $30 (minimum) for song lesson or $50 (minimum ) to make custom backing track for you

Note: Typical, less complex songs requests/lessons with single parts will be $30 while more complex songs, where the client/student asks to learn multiple parts will be divided into multiple lessons

I will upload your lesson or backing track to youtube once finished/ready and email you

Backing tracks get a free short sample (20-30 seconds) to make sure you’re happy with it before you paypal

Some Original Demos Here