23 thoughts on “Wild Horses (The Rolling Stone) how to play in Open G Tuning

  1. You did good…….dorfenwell, if you can do better, do it …….this guy isn’t there to entertain you with song and dance….he should be commended………..Most anyone knows why he’s humming in the background, it helps him to stay on chord………..
    MrAdeline, you did a a good job .thnx………..people like dorfenwell or whatever show their ignorance and crudeness……………..keep it up

  2. I see the chords you are playing can you email me the notes and how you do that slide part at the end

  3. This is the right tuning but your strum pattern and timing on chord changes is a bit off. Overall good job and thanks for playing in Open G.

  4. @LUCKas1212 Go read Keith’s book he’ll tell you.. And all you have to do is tune the 1st, 5th & 6th strings down a whole step. It’s not like it’s a big chore. Buy a slide or a tone bar and it will make taking the 30 seconds to tune open all worth while.

  5. did you know?
    couldnt drag me away..

    thanks for reading 😉

  6. wtf. learn to play it the right way insted of playing it the eazy way

  7. thanks for the chord chart i know how to play didnt know the chords

  8. Greaaaat 🙂 !! Thanks for helping and for the writings which help a lot !
    I suscribe !
    Cheers !
    Supeer 🙂 ! Merci de nous aider et d’indiquer les accords et /cases à jouer cela aide grandement !
    Je m’abonne
    Merci encore

  9. hi
    could you email me the chords? or the page your playing from.

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