Backing Track for Jack Johnsons "Adrift" from his most recently released "Sleep Through the Static" ALbum. Very relaxed song, acoustic song and I really like just using big sweeping slides and stuff. I hope everyone enjoys, and as always, please leave feedback!

11 thoughts on “Acoustic Backing Track; "Adrift" Open E min Pentatonic

  1. on a C major, you can play Am pentatonic, but you can also play Em pentatonic, because its composed of

    E G A B D..

    The only difference between C mag and G maj is F/F#. both are not played in these pentatonic 😀

  2. Thats Emin guys…Root notes are E white corresponding minor pentatonic patterns.

  3. Somewhat cool start on the turnaround, could be cleaned up though. I guess I’ll give it a thumbs up for at least not having tempo changes aside from the missed beat at about 2:26 or so.

  4. Great acoustic backing track thanks.
    Parts of the ‘A’ harmonic minor and the ‘C’ blues scale work well over this.
    Just some ideas ;o)

  5. cool back track. the tuning for the lead part is cfcfac. any tips on getting back and for from this tuning easily? i usually end up putting my guitar way out of tune when trying to get the tuning right…?


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