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22 thoughts on “Acoustic Blues Guitar Lesson – Licks and Concepts for the Key of G

  1. @guitarnewbie13 that would be G major, same notes as E minor, but the major sound (from the intervals) is more country sounding.

  2. Marty, I understand the products you sell keeps these free lessons available to me. Can u please contact me? Thank you. Bill

  3. That’s because you need to…wait for it…PRACTICE! I’ve gotten pretty good really fast because I sit there for hours trying to get stuff right. Yes, it’s frustrating as HELL sometimes, but you need to keep at it. Don’t say you’re just a chord strummer, you can be so much more if you really want to.

  4. I can almost get this on an electric but no way does it sound like this on my acoustic, really I’m just a chord stummer, never have been able to do lead.

  5. The question is, Where does Marty get all his licks? Regardless, it was one of the Shwartziest lessons I’ve seen in long time

  6. 4:54 - 4:57 easy

    5:00 – 5:08 fair enough

    5:09 – 5:27 WTF

  7. You are such an awesome person and a great teacher. You are the man Marty and I’ve learned so much watching you.

  8. what kinda Martin is that?
    it looks bigger than today’s 000s but "curvier" than a standard dreadnought…

  9. Awesome Dude I got to be like #420!!!!!!!!!!!

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