Ardent Octopus has a first video test? check out the podcast at: subscribe with iTunes. OH Description, well I used an RCA cord to tie my cam to the headstock of my Yamaha guitar and then I played it in a so so way. I can play better then that, I think. Thank you for checking it out.

25 thoughts on “Blues Slide Guitar Cam

  1. Greta improvisation man. I´m a great slide blues and country fan.
    I´m form Brasil but i hate Samba, only the Mulatas are good rsrsrsrs

    Take i look on my recent slide video.
    If you like it can i put the link of my video here please? Thanks and good luck.

  2. Greta improvisation man. I´m a great slide blues and country fan.
    I´m form Brasil but i hate Samba, only the Mulatas are good rsrsrsrs

    Take i look on my recent slide video.
    If you like it can i put the link of my video here please? Thanks and good luck.

  3. umm… I guess I am semi pro as I get paid but not much:) I would be happier with big record deal I’m almost certain… Cheers

  4. OK. I play slide also. Just to make us equal though, could you please ask your wife/girlfriend/lover to please run over all of your fingers with a Hummer? Please? Seriously, if you’re not pro, it’s only because you’re happy being you. Well done, and hopefully someday I may be as good as you are. Sincerely- KCBarr

  5. Thanks, there is a lesson on my page… tada, Jade added that last bit:)

  6. goddamn it, your the only original blues lside guitar on here, please do lessons…… >:|

  7. Hey man, awesome job… I really like your dynamics, and knowing when to keep it soft, and when to bring up the volume…like you do to end the tune.

  8. Thanks, the link to our website URL is on my YT page. There is a player there with lots of our tunes and our show. Maybe another slide cam vid soon?

    Thanks brotha

  9. man i just love the slide cam i guess because i play a good deal of slide but have never seen it from this angle…. small stroke of genius … would like to hear you band’s music ..

  10. I have a lesson vid on my page, start there and if you have a question I don’t mind helping out. Sorry it takes so long sometimes for me to respond. Good luck.

  11. also…what size strings are you using man? They look pretty heavy,or is it cuz of the cam?

  12. This as just influenced me on what style I want to play.Ive been learning finger picking blues stuff so far on my acoustic,but just love the sound that the slide truly are a fantastic player,is there any tips you can give to someone who is starting out on slide? any info appreciated.Thanks and keep posting your great talent!

  13. Thanks very much, the actual ardentoctopus band recordings are really nothing like this. You can here most of our tunes on my stickam page user name octopus. I hope you like it even if it has very little in common with this stuff. We are looking to incorporate more of this style in the future.

  14. This is one of the best blues instumentals I’ve ever heard. You have a true talent for this style of play. Is you music available for purchase or download? What do you call this tune? It’s absolutely great!

  15. Thanks, however I have never listened to Leo so any similarity is coincidental, Perhaps we both listened to and are influenced by the same people. In any case thanks, I have always meant to check Leo out and have only heard good things about him so if it is that sorta stuff I am sure I would like it.

  16. cheesy chip butty blues, thats just gota be done… i want it done now….. and paint my pooddles pink…n make me some tea….lysv

  17. Thanks, was all a lucky accident. I don’t think I am the only one but I have not found many. Looking forward to your blues, saw you are setting up a musician page. All the best.

  18. Trial and error is closer than instinct but it is really just pentatonic scales put together from a jumble of riffs. Thanks

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