The great bluesfunkR&B guitarist Kirk Fletcher teaching at Musicians Institute. Here, he offers up an inspiring lesson on comping chords in 12-bar blues settings. Some moves inspired by Robben Ford. Filmed by Jude Gold.

23 thoughts on “Blues/funk Guitar Lesson with Kirk Fletcher — Comping Chords

  1. Nice way to chord it out, really nice. fantastic changes and progressions. Awesome.

  2. That was fun!This is the coolest playing ive seen in a while!

  3. gotta hand it to Kirk! Goes to show that Even an amazing guitarist doesn’t stop when they totally turn the beat around ( at :49)! Hup!

  4. that first minute… anyone know the names of the chords?

  5. Any chance you transcribed the chords to his examples yet? I’m starting to work on it but it would be nice to compare

  6. this is an advanced lessons not for people who cant just eyeball chords and the sounds he is playing!

  7. he’s a good teacher, because you have to figure it out all by yourself 😉

  8. Love it. So where are the tabs to do what you did lol. Great demo for sure. thanks! ;0)

  9. Kirk has wonderful roots. Young players should definitely take note, as he demonstrates so many of those old-school sensibilities and techniques that often get left out when people learn the instrument nowadays. There are just too many things that you can’t get through tabs alone. And on top of it all, he seems like a totally laid back, cool guy. I would love to jam with this dude, or maybe just hang out and talk shop.

  10. He really is great! Any long version of his lessons available?

  11. How about synchin the sound and the vid??? Would help, no??

  12. Epic jamming with you tonight my brother. And you’re a great hang too…and we all know that is half the game. In your case though, the playing is the bigger half. Much love, JCG

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