I played this in open C ie CGCGCE using a small travel guitar I keep in C open tuning most of the time handy if Im playing somewhere and dont want to tune my guitar up and down which isnt practical. The song was written by Dougie Maclean and nothing compares to his version Ive seen him live many times and hes magic a brilliant singer and musician. Comments or ratings welcome.

25 thoughts on “Caledonia Cover Of A Dougie Maclean Song Original Version

  1. Like it pal – ye sound like Gary Lewis – ( Billy Elliot. etc)
    if he could sing.
    Excellent playing – great!

  2. Thanks I’m suprised if anybody likes my voice not too keen on it myself lol.

  3. Whit she stole one of oor songs have ye no got enough of your own over there. Me big headed eh pots and kettles.

  4. great little song this our Mary Black does a great job,,,,ehhhh yer not too bad yerself,,,,,now dont go gettin a bigger head than the one ye have already

  5. great playing of a great song, lovin the sound oh that wee dinky guitar, bravo man

  6. Nice one – very well played and sung, really enjoyed this!
    Ive done this song too – check it out if you like and let me know what you think

  7. great voice,enjoyed it as much as any other version of this song

  8. Thanks I’m a fan of yours, people if you are reading this you must hear Tannis sing she’s amazing.

  9. Martin,
    Each time I hear you sing this, I love it more!!! Its a beautiful gift you are sharing! Thank you again for Everything! 🙂

  10. Absolutely spot on both playing and singing…(of course it doesn,t do any harm to have the correct accent already)…..Kev

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