Rough version of classic Elmore James style. Was testing out my new amp with some mods Its in Open D, key of D.

10 thoughts on “My Baby’s Gone – Elmore James style

  1. Hi there !
    Although there is a Dearmond soundhole pickup on my guitar, I wasn’t using that pickup for this video – or any of my other videos.
    The pickup being used is the Dearmond Rhythm Chief Model 1000, mounted on the guitar top, between the soundhole and the bridge – mostly obscured by my right hand – but the control box for Vol+Tone controls is visible dangling down from the treble side of the ebony bridge – just like on Elmore’s Kay guitar.

  2. The pickup I am using on the guitar is a 1950’s Dearmond Rhythm Chief Model 1000 pickup. It is actually for an archtop F-hole acoustic. Do a search on ebay for Dearmond pickups and you will get close up photos etc and see what crazy prices some people sell them for !
    The Dearmond soundhole pickup is not being used.

  3. Great, great sound! May i ask you what kind of pickup you’re using?

    Keep it up! Wish you all the best from Holland

  4. Love it you really nailed the good Ol’ time sound thoses magnetic soundhole pickups sounds terrific ! Is it a Blues Junior that you play through ?

  5. Very nice ! I love your playing and your voice is amazing. I think you should put out a blues album its time for real music to make a comeback.

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