www.LessonsWithTroy.com – In this lesson I teach the classic Johann Pachelbel song "Canon In D". My arrangement is in Open G tuning (GBDGBD), but the song is of course in the Key of D. I have two videos in this lesson. One is the main teaching lesson where I go Part by Part, phrase by phrase, close ups of each hand. In the other video, my Quick Reference Video, I simply play through each of the 5 Parts of Canon In D, so you can play along, or just listen to see what the Tablature sounds like. This is a great song to play by yourself, and it is also a great song that most people have heard before! Great for Weddings too!!! Plus its just a fun challenging tune! Have Fun With This One!! ~Troy~
Muy excellente!
Nice. learned the whole song, by just looking and listening to you playing :D But i can’t make it sound as great as yours, but i guess that just comes by training :p Thnx alot for the vid 😉
That was beautiful. 😀 I can’t wait to get one of these guitars for myself.
very nice thanks .
Really nice troy
good guitar playing great version . what guitar are you playing ?
Wow I’ve never seen canon in d like that before. Awesome 🙂
You did it again Troy! Nice arrangement. Congratulations