heres yet another cheap project cause times are tough rite now and resourses arent really available do to present financial struggles but i make thmost of it with this cigar box guitar that cost VERY little to make. the slide is from a wine bottleneck so enjoy again it is a bit rushed do to low battery on this mini camera …but enjoy :o)

23 thoughts on “cigar box slide guitar-banjo

  1. just found out about box guitars this morning on YouTube… great is that! Good job.

  2. man are u insulting me because ur showing ur middle finger

  3. Awesome playing on an awesome home made instrument. Wish I can make something like that too.

  4. Thanks for the good rating and nice comment. Your videos are very good and your instruments quite innovative. Interesting stuff!

  5. hahaha what a really cool thing! i want one, (but i dont want to make one lol)

  6. would be a grand idea to teach them proper English, too..

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