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23 thoughts on “Crazy Guitar Blues Solo

  1. Best part, the faces 🙂

    Killer tone and phrasing. Love it 😀

  2. ficou show esse Blues ….parabéns aê Brother…

  3. I watched with the volume off and dude your face looks like your have ya balls chewed off by a tas devil ,great playing though

  4. all’s i can say is put a little xtra zing n it and make it your own, a big, WOW nice playing man

  5. So if you don’t listen to much blues then who are your influences? I hear Scott Henderson style in your bluesy goofing off playing. Also I hear a kind of notey Jimi Hendrix in your playing as well. Sounds like you might listen to a lot of modern players who were influenced by blues if not blues itself?

  6. congratulations from Barcelona!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. If you liked this, you will LOVE watching Scott Marx… he doesnt read or write music, but plays like BB KING, looks like JIM MORRISON, and has the heart and soul of JIMI HENDRIX… follow this guy, he’s gunna be famous…. "SCOTT MARX"

  8. Love ur playin’, make all the faces u want : )

  9. Robert Johnson, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Muddy Waters, BB King, Leadbelly, Just to name a few.

  10. You’re good man…. its an awesome tone that ur using….

  11. Thats some Guthrie Govan flavors in there…..IM HUNGRY!!!

  12. Thanks!
    I’m playing with DiMarzio Area T pickups.

  13. nice tone and excellent phrasing… what pickups you are using?

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