Playing F1 2012 Online in this FriStream, feel free to hang out and watch or come play by sending a message to my Gamertag (AthleekVG), Please Subscribe if you are havinghad a good time! You can follow on twitter for updates on when Im livestreaming next Thanks for tuning in!

24 thoughts on “F1 2012 FriStream: Open Lobby (Nov 9, 2012)

  1. There is no such thing as london irish!
    Irlend and london are nothing alike!

  2. your having connection issues because your playing with people who from europe etc, if your the host then they might have pings in the region of 500+ lol, if you play with guys from usa only then you’ll notice an improvement.

  3. what steering wheel do you have? really looking to upgrade my logitech :p

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