Playing F1 2012 Online in this FriStream, feel free to hang out and watch or come play by sending a message to my Gamertag (AthleekVG), Please Subscribe if you are havinghad a good time! You can follow on twitter for updates on when Im livestreaming next Thanks for tuning in! I use the MadCatz wireless wheel wPedals.

23 thoughts on “FriStream! F1 2012 Online Open Lobby (Oct 12,2012)

  1. im sir lane and yeah it was only a little nudge

  2. Your Vids are epic, Best on Youtube. P.S Did u get my message on XBL, Im – lil D1G35T1V3

  3. It was fixed after the 1st race., thanks for telling me

  4. Hey AthleekVG, Loving your videos – Just wondering what Youtube Partnership do you have?

  5. can u invite me next friday my gt Storm Flux

  6. if you do a 100{10faa3092bae83cdf963b1ab1025701434ba1e012413cb9c0c72be0a479389c3} race on Austin, invite a dbag193 in. Would love to do the full Grand Prix on the Texas track.

  7. F*ck my internet can’t connect to xbox live since yesterday 🙁 to bad i couldn’t be there…

  8. Ur back pops out cos the balance between front and rear downforce is to far to the front power the front downforce and maybe move the ballast forward

  9. On Monday and it came today I missed out on the stream

  10. being romain grosjean is not acceptable anymore 😀

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