funky blues slide guitar

18 thoughts on “G open slide guitar tricks

  1. Great work mate, now get a mic on that amp and re-record it please. Eager minds want to copy your greatness. Cheers, Lucius

  2. Diggin’ it! I want
    Learn slide big time! I
    Gotta start working on it!

  3. open G should only ever be allowed on a tele… that is the law people.

  4. pretty good my friend.. at the begining it reminds me of in my time of dying by led Zeppelin….. pretty awesome..

  5. класс, внутаре класс)

  6. Great playing man. I have the same guitar as you, how do you make it sound so nice on your amp? 🙂

  7. What gauge strings have you been using in this video? Thanks.

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