Covers the rhythmchords.

25 thoughts on “Gary Moore Still got the Blues guitar lesson

  1. Great Lesson. I’ve aways just sung this song. Now I have to play the back-up and this is an excellent rhythm lesson. Check us out at SoulPatchLtd (dot) com I’ll be auditioning for "The Voice!" in Feb. I just won "Best R&B Soul Artists Of The Year Award" from South Bay Music Awards on Nov.3rd, 2012 you can hear my originals at johnkaye (dot) com

  2. Brilliant lesson. You explain it so clearly, I have looked up many lessons for this songs and this is by far the best one. Good job! 🙂

  3. i’ve read this chord progression described as "reverse cycle of fifths". isn’t this progression used in one of the "abby road medly" parts on the Beatles abby road album? it sounds familiar.

  4. sad news, cheers to Gary, he lived the life we dream of.

  5. Gary Moore died Sunday at age 58 in a luxury hotel on the Spanish Costa del Sol, where he was on vacation.

  6. thanks this is an old song that brings back such memories, I was trying to learn it,  by ear but that one cord, the b flat whatever was bugging me. thanks so much you did great. I just heard you say Gary Moore died, what happened?

  7. yust what i was loocking you got tabs for that transition from intro to the "vers" sorry but i suck at english

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