How to hold down those special "Open D" chords that Bob Dylan chose to play "Buckets of Rain". Note: Song is in key of "E", but explanation given as if in key of "D".

20 thoughts on “How to Play "Open D" – (Buckets of Rain) – Part Two

  1. Thanks for showing me how to play my favourite Bob Dylan song.

  2. Congrats on a really good lesson – I like your style and patience. Really helpful in understanding the concept of open D tuning – many thanks

  3. You’re precise, but easy-going and relaxed at the same time. Plus, your love for the tunes and the strings that produce them come through with every chord and note – a great teacher!

    So glad I found you videos. Thank you very much, Lowdenjim!

  4. Thank you very much for your endorsement – very good luck with this great song!

  5. Thank you for putting the time and effort into this great lesson.
    You’re an excellent teacher.

  6. Without a capo you need to tune your guitar to open "E" (E B E G# B E) which means retuning the 5th string (A) up a full step to B, the 4th string also up a full step from D to E, and the 3rd string G up half a step to G#. You can then play along to this video in the same key. A capo is not essential but a very useful accessory that actually improves the sounds you can get out of your guitar, makes your playing more versatile, and even makes it easier to play.

  7. lovely but im a bit confused with the capo, does that mean if im playing with out one i follow two frets down? sorry i fell out of a TREE Some years back

  8. thanks for the time you put into this, really helped allot people people including myself. Great Teaching technique!

  9. Thank you – I wish Youtube had been available to me way back then!

  10. yuor the best teacher i have seen on youtube,you break everything down to managable parts and before you know,you got the song,i only wish i’d come across you years ago,please keep it going,an invaliable service

  11. great video man you are great teacher you cover aspect of every song

  12. Cheers Jason – I’ll certainly look forward to your version!

  13. thank you Jim, been meaning to learn this one for years now

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