Blues guitar lessons Free Lesson Download http The first in a series of How To Play Blues Guitar – Weekly Tips (or weakly tips!) Keep on pickin Jim Deep River Blues Lesson Jim Bruce Channel

9 thoughts on “Jim Bruce Blues Guitar – Jim’s Weekly Tips #1 – Fingerpicks or bare fingers?

  1. Thank you sir for taking the time to share your talents and explain … all the best to you!

  2. It would maybe be good to try to understand some of the theory your using in your arrangements.I dont know maybe this would be heavy for some but maybe it would be easier to follow what your doing for the musos.Theres so much good stuff going on its like trying to grab clouds.Just a thought no pressure.

  3. Cool idea the weekly tips Jim! Theres no debating ur fingerpicking techniques are royale.Good ur sharing ur secrets with us wannabees.Good health sir.

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