www.nextlevelguitar.com click NOW for a FREE Video guitar lesson that is not on YouTube & a FREE Ebook from Next Level Guitar.com Learn how to solo and improvise Beginner rock blues lead guitar lesson pt1 scale jam track licks Check out all our current JAM TRACKS, song DVDs, and other instructional DVDs at www.nextlevelguitar.com – just click on any title for detailed lesson descriptions and to watch video previews.

24 thoughts on “Learn how to solo and improvise Beginner rock blues lead guitar lesson pt1 scale jam track licks

  1. hey man, what loop pedal are you using there that you can pre programme loops in?

  2. David, I’ve been palying again after years of setting it down and I’m finally getting it. I used to play songs because there was no youtube now I’m learning guitar. I’m a flight , karate and NRA instructor and through all my instructor experience I know above all you have to connect to teach. Your lessons "speak" to me and I’m getting it. I’ve bought one of your lessons and will be buying more. Can you explain "5"th and "7"ths and such please? I’m not graspoing the flat 5th in theory. CHEERS!

  3. Wish I had internet, YouTube and great people like you who sharing this videos when I was young. Then we had to order books, tapes, videos the took forever to come…now I sound like a dinosaur LOL!
    Anyway. Thanks 🙂

  4. download link for backingn track anybody? I would greatly appreciate if I could loop it and jam forever 🙂

  5. No Thank You For taking the time to reply 🙂 That’s awesome! And For sure I am about to sign up right this moment. 🙂

  6. thanks so much for your kind words – really appreciate you taking the time to write in and say such cool things – means a lot to me – so glad that you like my lessons and that I can help you with your playing. ENjoy the lessons and check out my website at next level guitar dot com – enjoy and keep on rockinG!
    -David T

  7. hey, man, great lesson!!! I’ve been playing on and off for about 5 years now and I’ve been self teaching myself. However, I don’t do very well when it comes to soloing in key. I know the blues scales and I fool around in those patterns, but Idk how to use those notes in that scale on other parts of the neck, while staying in key. Do you have any tips for that? I’m trying to become a better player but I get too impatient.

  8. This guys a good teacher…….wonder if he does Skype lessons.

  9. Thank you. I knew it would take time to learn to play. Good luck to you.

  10. I have been playing for five years. But I hope he reply’s to you personally! He’s awesome!

  11. There is alot to Becoming A Guitar player. You should have figured it out before you bought a guitar. First thing You need to do is learn the chords and all the basic stuff. Then pentatonic scales and of course the keys. Then The notes along the fretboard. There is alot but don’t be overwhelmed. It just has to do with how much you want it. Good luck!

  12. I really Can’t begin to thank you enough. I have been stuck on the same old stuff since I was thirteen Same Pentatonic scales and I tried to come up with riffs and I just wasn’t coming up with anything good. Now You have taught me How to solo along the fretboard which I have been trying to do for such a long time. But No one taught me. Since I am A Self taught Guitarist I struggle alot and pick up bad habits. I took lessons for 2 months but then I couldn’t afford them. Can’t thank you enough!

  13. Can some one help me or point me to a video that will help me with figuring out root notes and keys? I get the concept fine, I just have a hard time figuring out the key or what the root note would be

  14. im sliding down my g string but people seem to look at me in a different way when i do so…

  15. So goofing off and jamming with the methods you showed us is good?! Awesome! 😀

  16. I have watched your videos and though I find them very entertaining (you play incredibly good) I am lost. It is all very technical. Is there an introduction to your introduction? Just bought a new Ibanez MTM1 and Peavey Vyper amp thinking I could become a rock star. Now that I know there is alot more involved do you have any suggestions. Anything would be helpfull or I have a Brand new MTM1 with blackouts for sale. Please help

  17. epic. could you win guitar hero championship?:) just joking. cool vid! enjoyed

  18. does anyone know whats the name of this jam track he is using?

  19. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This really helped, I can hear myself improving.

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