"Love Cannot Be Denied" – an original work Written and Produced by Mark Jeffery Campayno Yahama Nylon String Guitar, Pro Tools 9 Software Recorded at StudioRock of Northern Virginia This was an unexpected recording. I came up with the idea of using a slight altered tuning just for practice. What came out was a hybrid open-E tuning. I tuned string 4 up to D, string 3 up to G# and left strings one and two alone. Obviously, with this tuning open strings would be available. I basically played easy arpeggio ideas with a twist or two. I did two passes and canned the first. Typically, the first is the one I keep! This part was played using my 8 year old beat to death and barely hanging on Takamine nylon cutaway guitar. Two days later I decided to finish the work. I used my Yamaha nylon string guitar in standard tuning and then created a melodic overlay on the arpeggioblock chord section. I then harmonized a few spots and left it alone. This, like most of my works is not lacking in emotional content. Released on Valentines Day, it surely has a double message. A message that pain exists and the daily remembering of it. However, one must never lose hope. No matter how jaded one becomes, love is far stronger and no man has yet to overcome it. Hold out hope, all ye people of despair, love will find you. Mark

2 thoughts on “"Love Cannot Be Denied"

  1. AnthonyJohn21

    This is an Album to showcase Marnie’s vocal talents, I could be biased, I’m her Grandfather . look on youtube for marnie leigh showcase album

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