www.inekegoes.nl Robert Johnson – Me and the Devil Blues By ineke Goes

23 thoughts on “Robert Johnson – Me and the Devil Blues

  1. Some say that you can see the hellhound in one of the photos of Robert Johnson up by the neck of his guitar

  2. Its amazing how RJ and good blues can strike a nerve deep inside, leaving the listener wondering what that feeling is if hes unaware. God bless these men that paved the way for artistic freedom in ways most likely ignored if not for the talent of these great men. Thank you!

  3. that didn’t answer my question. lol i’m not really religious or anything, but i guess i just believe in a high power. but do people that don’t believe in "god" not believe in satan as well?

  4. Well, it’s always been easier for me to understand than belief in a supernatural diety.

  5. I don’t understand atheism. so you don’t believe in the devil either?

  6. You got that right! I dont follow mythical figures or books of fairy tales!

  7. history seems to repeat itself

  8. No, we don’t. I’m an Atheist, as are millions of other people.

  9. Everybody belongs to the big man upstairs no matter what you call him. atleast until you sell your soul to satan.

  10. Man all you athiests and non christians yall dont even know. This very well could have. Him, hendrix, and a few other blues singers all died at age 27. See a pattern?

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