First Clip from my thesis film about blues great Robert Johnson. Roberts life is remembered through the eyes of Son House. This clip shows a young Robert learning how to play then as a 27 year old man playing at Three Forks the night of his death.

23 thoughts on “Robert Johnson STOP BREAKIN DOWN – Clip 2

  1. You are cool for making the story about Robert Johonson through the eyes of Son House, you’re already cool for just KNOW about them.
    Link to your thesis film please!

  2. I’m a piece of white trash – and I can play that and sing that better than the man in the video. We do not need approximations to the truth …

  3. I’m from the same town as Robert Johnson… good ol’ Hazlehurst, Ms

  4. I searched Stop Breaking Down film and I found the film on vimeo

  5. who played robert johnson in your movie and did he really play the guitar in your movie?

  6. This is so good ! I love this version of the song !

  7. Is the whole thing on Youtube? And if not, where can I get it?

  8. But back then he was the one ripping off. Most of his song were recorded by other 10-15 ears before, save some slight variations. But that blues for you – theory of blues is not that of creation, but that of evolution.

    But really, Johnson was great musician, but not the holy grail of all things blues his made to these days. If anyone should be called creator of blues it’s W. C. Handy, and even he did mostly old standards.

  9. dude nobody liked robert johnson in the 30s because he was the first one to play HEAVY music

  10. If i got to play guitar like Robert Johnson, I would also sell my soul and give all my things too some homeless guy.

  11. Dude this is fantastic ! Excellent work man … excellent

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