Robert Johnsons graves – yes, two of them – in the Mississippi Delta.

20 thoughts on “Robert Johnson’s Graves

  1. Not bad, 3 churchs claiming a man who allegedly sold his soul to the devil.It’s all about attracting suckers to the Delta to spend they money.Less work than a tent revival.

  2. @marklouisjordan… don’t think people have heard this story, it goes sumpin’ like this; there was more than one jealous man (RJ was a pussy hound) involved w/ his death, poison whiskey did him in, and the jealous men had his body drawn and quartered which may be the reason for the different grave sights…just another crazy story about RJ…rest in peace or pieces…

  3. Thanks for posting this. It’s unlikely that Robert Johnson was poisoned with strychnine, since it kills in a matter of hours, at the most. Most likely he was poisoned with arsenic, or something else. He could have survived it if there had been a doctor. There’s a third gravesite, in the graveyard of Little Mt Zion Church, just north of Greenwood. This might be the most likely gravesite, because of the proximity to where he died, and eyewitness accounts, including one from the gravedigger’s wife

  4. i was recently doing research on my genetic heart condition (marfans sydrome) and it stated they were 100 percent sure Rj had the same in which case he would have died from an aortic aneurysm. im 25 and i just had a aortia replacment, Rj died at 27 exactly where i would have if i didnt have surgery, make sence to me.

  5. how did robert johnson die and why does he have 3 tombstones?

  6. i am from the delta,rosedale of crossroads fame. i just got back from visiting and went to all three graves. i met steven lavere in greenwood at his restaurant. he is the foremost authority of r.j. and has devoted years to research. seems that the real site is the one that is NOT shown in this vid. it was the one i was not gonna go to til i met him. he said i must go out there. it was just over the tallahatchie and yazoo river bridges,in a curve of the road. little zion church. it was the one.

  7. look what he did to all of us!

    Look at the length of conversations…

  8. Thanks for sharing. I should make a trip down there some day and check it out myself.

  9. There’s a third aswell 😉 but youre probebly right , no-one realy know’s

  10. one knows .there are at least three explanations on here as to how he died. You say poison, other guy says syphilis, and other guy says jealous husband shot him.

  11. He wasnt poisened he had syphilis thats the truth
    (sorry for bad english im from germany)

  12. where you from? youd get shackles and a hammer if you spoke like that in my my town.

  13. oke maybe youre right but he don’t even come close to robert johnson

  14. The third site at the Little Zion Church just NW of downtown Greenwood is considered by locals to be the real site where RJ’s bones are buried. There is a marker stone near a large tree at the rear of the graveyard just off the highway. By chance I happened to meet Mark Hoffman, ‘Wolf’s biographer there last week. He told me his and other researches all suggest this is the REAL grave. I got the strongest vibe from this site too – just felt like RJ was in the place – very heady and spooky.

  15. try this man ; i’m going to mexico gonna find me a lil senorita there yes’ i’m going to mexico gonna find me a lil senorita there

  16. if the devil taught him how to play,then who taught john lee hooker?a much better guitarist.johnson is one of those figures in music people love to romantisize over like morrison,presley,cobain& and let die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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