Orville Johnson takes a look at the Mississippi blues with an emphasis on Hill Country style. Find more lessons like this with Orville by visiting JamPlay.com! www.jamplay.com

21 thoughts on “Slide Guitar – Mississippi Hill Country Blues

  1. Thanks for making mention of the "off beat" character of this style. I am just learning guitar and attempting to emulate this style (specifically RL) is difficult if I am trying to count beats per measure and so on. So I appreciate your mentioning that this style does not always adhere to he rules. It is a beautiful style and you do a great job representing it.

  2. Doin it right now. Nothing like chicken’ n waffles and blues

  3. this is so well done. you are an amazing teacher. thank you.

  4. Any one else have an urge to go eat some fried chicken

  5. I can’t wait to learn slide and blues from you my man. By the way, you make the best thumbnail picture i have ever seen!

  6. At the moment, I can’t do much acoustic stuff, or fingerstyle, or slide for that matter. This, looks like something I can do.

  7. i this be better if the elctric picup wasn’t there… play it as it had done for ages b4 the advent of the electric…

  8. What, you homophobic or something? Keep your opinions to yourself or piss off. 

  9. Great man Great !!! Thank you for this and for your time to teach us ! ! ! !

  10. I think that you find theese kind of people into your friends.

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