11 thoughts on “The Fabulator (12 string, Open C Tuning!)

  1. Spot-on! Great playing and nice guitar too – it’s a ‘keeper’ – you can take the label off now : )

  2. Thanks man! I’ve redone this a bit over the last year and added some harmonica and stuff, real nifty.
    Post some of your stuff!

  3. Very inspirational! I just restrung my Bajo Sexto in open C full octave tuning…with this tuning I can play some of the sweet stuff from Pink Floyd and Joni Mitchell. I liked watching your fingering; gave me some new ideas. Beautiful song!!! Thanx ~J

  4. awesome dude…….you guys should check out my stuff on the 12 string i would love some feedback

  5. nice man very nice i myself play a 12 in open c i hopefully will have some vids up soon you should check em out n see what ya think id appreciate feedback

  6. what song is this?? where can i get tabs?? could you upload them if you do??

  7. Hmmm the 12 string greatly enhances this song. Reminiscent of The Books. GJ methos.

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