"Tip of the Tongue," is a documentary chronicling the conception and preparations for the innovative 3 show 3 venue concept from the recording studio in Paris to Toronto where the band prepares for their "Licks" World Tour.
"Tip of the Tongue," is a documentary chronicling the conception and preparations for the innovative 3 show 3 venue concept from the recording studio in Paris to Toronto where the band prepares for their "Licks" World Tour.
One minute you can’t get laid, and the next you have three thousand chicks throwing their panties at you. hahahaha!
I love these guys, always will. Though, I think Mick deserves a little more credit for being at the helm of the band and doing the things he does running it as a business. He really is a genius for that. He uses both sides of his brain fairly equally on being creative and being logical. Keith might sometimes resent that because he seems like he was primarily a right brained person concerned with the creative and enjoyment. But Mick is the one who made this all happen on a business scale. Amazin
this is great
Thanks for uploading 🙂
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