Hello everyone! Sorry it´s been so long… I was lost but now I´m found… Speaking of which, here´s the old hymn Amazing Grace, it works so well in open G tuning (gives it a droning quality), although I´m pretty much repeating myself. I just have a thing for these pentatonic style melodies, never gets old 🙂 More news, I have changed web host for my site, it may not work properly for a while (you might see the old one, depending on where you live etc). It seems to make webpage updating a lot easier and quicker, let´s hope so. If you signed up for my Newsletter at the old site, you have already been added to the new email list. (Not that I send all that many newsletters 🙂 Guitar: Loef "big parlor" Augusta Microphone: Rode NT2-A All the best Martin www.tallstrom.com

23 thoughts on “Amazing Grace – acoustic guitar

  1. Unspeakably beautiful.

    You spoke to me without any words.

  2. Hello Benny, I´m sorry to hear about your friend. Feel free to use the music any way you wish.
    All the best

  3. The best acoustic version of this song I have ever heard! I used the audio from this in a slideshow in memory of my grandfather who past away recently and my family loved it. Don’t worry, I gave credit where credit is due and put the link in the description to this video and your channel.

  4. I’m going to use this in a cover with vocals, if you don’t mind of course. I don’t care one bit if you don’t want me to use it. This is too beautiful. I’ll give full credit to you, link this video, your page, and website.

  5. Beautiful….is there a slight string sound added or is that a product of the reverb or something? So subtle but nice if it is, similar to the effect on the laura palmer theme…

  6. This is good, but check out Lai Youtithams cover…..it is amazing

  7. enough to make a grown man cry, beautiful piece brother.

  8. how can i get this in mp3 form? I cant find it on itunes or amazon

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