From new CD, available at http or TAB at http Here is the "full version" of this classic folk song. Played in open E tuning to a "shaker beat" and then I added the other instruments. I thought I´d push myself and raise the bar a bit, tempo wise… Some of the groove might go down the drain but hey, it´s fun! Mr Loef at Loef guitars let me try this really, really sweet early 1900´s style parlour guitar, my new favorite 🙂

21 thoughts on “Jesse James – bluegrass banjo on guitar style

  1. After years, I am still amazed at your arrangement and playing, and STILL, cannot play like this. I absolutely love your playing, it´s near perfect, if not!

  2. Tout à fait d’accord, si le picking est ton rayon, va voir ce que fait Andrea Valeri, il envoie du bois, lui aussi. Cordialement.

  3. Nice sound. Did you just use one mic or did you stereo mic?

  4. I really enjoyed this so much. The sound was perfect. Thank you so much.

  5. Good job. And NICE guitar sound. Looks like an 00-28VS or something close to that but sounds like mahogany. I’m definitely in love with 12 fret slotheads and mahogany?

  6. I don’t play but I love to listen.  This was wonderful. Thankyou!

  7. Hi Marty…
    We are glad you are posting. My fanned fret Bashkin guitar was built for altered tunings, and it can go to CGCGCD with normal strings without causing a stir or losing intonation. I also have an Olson and love it to pieces.

  8. you’re amazing Martin! it is incredible how fast and clean you manage to pick! cheers, Rob

  9. You are amazing! I just found a new favourite song + A new hero!

  10. do you use light gauge strings to tune up that high?

  11. yo brother you should try a rhythm ring .. you will love it!

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