Derek Trucks performing cool slide solo at Eric Clapton Concert in St. Paul, Minnesota. Thanks for the music Derek!

18 thoughts on “Derek Trucks Awesome Slide Solo

  1. I was only joking with you. I understood your point. Derek Tucks is great man.

  2. You didnt get the Point of my comment

    I am againt the point of view to see music as a sport or a competition

    i made this comment 6 month ago i am a different person now at least a little different

    Derek Trucks is now my Fav. Slide guitarist and my Fav. Blues Rock guitarist
    and no i dont want to start a competition with this comment

  3. Who is the world best singer.??? Its a contest. The one who runs the fastest seems to win. Sport seems to be more and more popular in music. Tucks plays slide like he would play with his fingers.

  4. yep , and all true, and Jeff Healey was a great conversationalist =^0

    matt welcome

  5. @opforce you have no idea what you are talking about, 1st, you don’t USE an instrument you PLAY an instrument. 2nd, these two instruments are completely diffferant, piano music is written in two registers and guitar in one. 3rd, piano requires you to play two differant melodies at once. So taken from this guitar players perspective, the piano is a more challenging instrument. IMHO

  6. Anybody know what tuning he uses most frequently?

  7. Hell yeah, me too! 15th row center on the floor!

  8. I would bet 10 $ Most of those argueing who s the best / better guitar player dont play the guitar themselves
    or else they would realize that everyone of there Guitar Heroes is great

    They are just DIFFERENT they need to learn the meaning of that Word

    For example Greg Howe is a great Jazz guitarist & Paul Gilbert is a great Heavy Metal guitarist they are
    both amazing but different

  9. could not agree more, c’mon. a keyboard is a lot easier to use than a guitar

  10. I was at this concert 🙂 ITS BLEW MY FRICKIN MIND!!!!!!!

  11. Haha, similar in tone to the nefarious "brown note" but deeper in scope…

  12. They are very different guitar players and can’t be compared.

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