Visit for the tablature and MP3 jam track for this video. Every few days Im adding a new guitar lesson video so be sure to check back! This video demonstrates a fairly simple and somewhat standard blues guitar lick that can be played on either an acoustic or electric guitar. This is really intended for the beginner – intermediate player, although if youre an advanced player you might find it valuable as well. This video takes advantage of playing a double string solo (very similar to the style that Chuck Berry would use) As always, if you have questions or comments ask away either here or at http

24 thoughts on “Easy Blues Guitar Lick 1 (Chuck Berry Style)

  1. Nice basic lesson… and kudos on not having a douched-up "relic’d" guitar.

  2. Thanks man, i am from brazil and i like you lesson, is good to teach to te beginners in the guitar.

  3. I like simple and you made this lesson good full of good info , subbed.

  4. what are you talking about?! That looks like an awesome guitar.

  5. i never thought i could ever play some chuck berry, thanks, it is my second day of playing electric

  6. Thx, I picked up a good tip on closing out the progression, when U showed the 2 note combo, using the 9th fret b string, together w/7 fret hi E string, then down 2 from there, etc.

  7. Great lesson! I immediately subscribed to your website!

  8. nice easy video to watch and follow , beautiful sound as well , thankyou very much ./ steve uk .

  9. you CAN teach this old dog new tricks, excellent, well done, off to practice,/howard, UK

  10. cool lesson. but im more of slow blues in key of A

  11. "Without your middle finger you can’t flip the bird!"

  12. haha – it looks varnished but i swear it’s not.. just the way it shows on the video.

  13. So simple but helped out vastly. Thanks!

  14. This opened a window of understanding for me !! As a beginner with blues interest… Thank You for This !!

  15. Can i ask what effects you are using with the guitar?

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