grateful dead cover- friend of the devil. with vocal harmonies and slide guitar and a little reverb. i did not write this song. .i played and sang the song a little differently for anyone who might like to listen. and added some "slide guitar" all cred to the dead. and robert hunter. hope you guys dig it

20 thoughts on “grateful dead friend of the devil & slide guitar

  1. No problem. I’m just glad to find talented musicians / singers who like the same AWESOME tunes. Hope to hear more GD soon from you!

  2. thanks for the comments, likes and sub. i’m really happy you enjoyed my music! of course i subbed back! you got a killer channel. and i’m GRATEFUL for the positive feedback

  3. Waaaaaaasup GT?
    Good to see you on this dude’s cool channel.

  4. Wow Ken awesome Bro this one is going on my fav list my friend thank you from Phil .

  5. there’s something about your voice. don’t know what it is but it’s beautiful.

  6. cool slide guitar and special version .. i ike it a lot own interpratations 🙂
    just added your channel !

  7. Hey thanks for sending me this brother, good fukin toon, I dig it man

  8. Shades of Bob Dylan, dude you can SANG. I Like the arrangement. Check out my comedy version of I JUST SAT RIGHT DOWN AND CRIED by THE SINGING RABBI. Why don’t you have a recording contract?. Go to prove what I’ve always thought. Talent Schmallent, it’s who you know and who you blow, that gets you where you want to go, but don’t give up, you’ve got the talent and both you and Melissa will be stars one day with luck,timing and the right connections. Good luck my friend.

  9. Good quality. nice layering and and slide action… your style is amazing by the way

  10. Nicely done …I like your arrangement of this great song …you have a great voice for this kind of song….Kev

  11. I love your version of this beloved song. You made it your own. 

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