John shows how to setup an inexpensive, ~ $200 guitar, in this case a DeArmond, to turn it into a great sounding slide guitar. Visit for list of current and planned guitar reviews.

19 thoughts on “inexpensive slide guitar

  1. hey u use ur special for slide too, thats cool i keep mine in open g and sounds great as well.

  2. Hey man, if DeArmonds are almost axtinguish (collection guitars), why are they so "cheap"? , I mean, they are such a good instruments, I though they could cost more tan 1000 Dlls each product.

  3. sweet playin in the beginning 🙂
    and i’m doing this soon. i’m gonna be a epi lp special ii

  4. got one of them, it was reduced to about 100 quid, good buy. Nowadays I have the action cranked up n use it for slide.

  5. lol strats suck more ball than a male prostitute. They have no tone.

  6. if u guys want a good cheap les paul guitar then look at a epiphone les paul specail 2, they are only 169.99 dollars and they look and play preety nice. the only problem i had was that i play metal so i took the pick ups off of it and put emgs on.

  7. A LP (not the ones I’ve owned in any event) does not have a neck-through-the body. It has a set neck.

  8. idiot, the Japanese copy is probably much much better than the epi

  9. those don’t look like the original pickups.

  10. Fenders are supposed to actually have a much better sound for slide guitar, according to Duane Allman than Les Pauls.

  11. should I buy a new condition 1970 japanese les paul copy guitar even though it has a bolted neck?

  12. Is the DeArmond m-72 a les paul ???
    Because I have one and it seems like an original les paul.

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