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18 thoughts on “Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin Inspired Blues Rock Lick – Blues Guitar Lessons – Minor Blues Licks

  1. Hey Marty!! Thanks for your lessons!!! Since I piced up the guitar, i´m learning with your viedeos every day. You explain everything very easy and understandable. I love all that Led Zeppelin and blues stuff. You have made a totally beginner to someone who can play nearly every song you´re explaining. Thanks for all!! Greatings from Germany!!

  2. …i have no idea what you just said. sorry :/

  3. omg… ahhaha nice lesson…but if u do improvisation to it i’m jealous

  4. your giving a great lesson. especially teaching how the I IV and V are always minor. i definitely wouldve wished to have known that when i was first learning guitar

  5. Very Nice lesson and playing, it’s from "Since I’ve been Loving You" I believe.

  6. Very Nice lesson and playing, it’s from "Since I’ve been Loving You" I believe.

  7. Hey same here, wat voor gitaar zou je zeggen is goed voor een beginner? Sinds je nederlands bent gok ik dat je iets meer weet van de prijs/kwaliteit etc in nederland 😉

  8. Not bad, I never tried using the blues box in that way.

  9. I love this lesson! When you add the "B" string at the 9th fret it really expands the depth and feel of the solo. Almost reminds me of something along the lines of Carlos Santana, Thanks Marty you do a great job of explaining and showing how to incorporate new ideas and concepts. My thnks again 🙂 "Skinny Boy Buckwheat Parker"

  10. I love this one. as a matter of fact it has inspired a new song for my band that I wrote. It’s pretty niffty. and my only comment for you Marty, is..damn man, where do you get all the sweet guitars that you play? are you friggin’ rich? or what man.  how many different guitars have I seen you with? you suck for having them all. that is a compliment btw.

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